Let's Talk: Let's Play on Valentine's Day (Adonis Mann Takeover)
This happens to be a freebie that I do not much speak of. Truth be told, I'm not certain why I don't.
This short story was written approximately 6 years ago on Valentine's Day. It was a spur of the moment, off the cusp tale that just came to me. It was short and sweet and a tiny bit erotic, but most importantly ... fun.
In this little story, I dabbled with very light bondage. The sort that is meant for play and levity in a relationship, not as a sexual preference or fixation. I imagined a couple attempting to do something new on Valentine's Day thereby spicing up their every day sexual encounters with dalliance. Mirth, I find, in a relationship that may have become bland and repetitive can be just what the doctor ordered.
This is the premise on which "Let's Play on Valentine's Day" was written.
Who doesn’t love a bit of kinky play on Valentine’s Day?
Take a short and personal, yet ravishing trip to some eccentric wordplay made just for you on Valentine’s Day.
This flash fiction story gets up close and personal and takes the reader on a one of a kind journey through an entirely sexy Guessing Game.
It’s amazing what 1000 words can accomplish!
To read if for free you can visit my publisher's website or my own. Here are the links:
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