Let's Talk: All Authors

Hello Awesome Visitors!

Yes, I know it isn't Thursday, but who says that one can't talk on any other day? 😀

Today is the last day of May which also marks the last day of National Short Story Month. In case you haven't been around much, each member of the All Authors Family released a brand new short story. On top of that, it's yours to get for FREE.

Let's do a recap, in case you missed it.

To start off the month, my erotica partner in crime, Adonis Mann, debuted "Twin Flame Duplicity".

Not too far behind was the Paranormal Princess C. Desert Rose with "Angelic Epiphany".

Sneaking behind the pack was the Cryptic Enigma Da'Kharta Rising with an interesting dramedy based on current events in "Apocawhat?"

Landing in the middle is Yours Truly with the comedy-erotic mashup "Brielle".

Soon thereafter, we have Queen of Spades, documenting a race against time in "Finding My Heart".

Last but certainly not least, the talented Y. Correa with the 3rd installment of A.L.O.M.

To find these new freebies and many of the old, don't hesitate to explore the Freebie segment of the All Authors Publishing House website. Once there, just click on the author's logo to explore other works by the All Authors Family.

Until next time,


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