Special Sunday Speak: A Queen and Her Reflections

Welcome everyone to Sunday Speak!  In my last one, I talked about characters.  This time around, everyone is here for a treat.  I am honored to give Queen of Spades the floor for Sunday Speak as well as have her march around for Monday.  It's great that I have the spare bedroom all ready for her to rest in.

Queen:  Thanks for that.  I appreciate it.

You know I don't pull a lot of punches so let's get to it.  You did say I could ask you anything, right?

Queen:  Related to the book, yes.

Fair enough.  Out of all of your poetic works, you have said that Reflections of Soul is the one with the most universal appeal.  Can you explain why?

Queen:  I say that for a number of reasons.  First, it's a relatively tiny book.  Second, there are certain things that others can relate to whether they typically read poetry or not.  This adds to the appeal.  Not to say my other works aren't attractive in their own rights but Reflections of Soul seems to strike a happy medium.

Yes, I get it.  Moving on.  I had the chance to listen to some of your audios from years past.  Does your talking voice sound just as energetic?

Queen:  Wow!  You have been doing your research.  Very cool.  I wish!  I have different types of voices that I use.  On my audios that is my performance voice, but I don't sound anything like that too much in real life.  Honestly a little on the soft spoken side but that can change when I'm agitated.  Also, when I'm upset, more of my Southern accent trickles out.  There is a voice I use when I'm answering phones at my job and then there is the one where I'm talking with friends, family, and loved ones.  I don't think I purposely make them all different or classify them--it just happens to turn out that way.

I know that the acoustic version of Steps was one of the tracks I heard.  Are there any more works in Reflections of Soul that you could see yourself recording and would they have music or no music?  If with music can you describe as best you can what type(s)?

Queen: Good question. I would put some music to Butterfly and probably Five Years. Butterfly's tempo would be a bit light and celebratory. Five Years would be slightly haunting with a bit of inspiration. Those are the ones that scream out to me right away.

Quite interesting indeed! Are there any poems you struggled with putting in but decided to include them anyway?

Queen: With this particular work, no. I had that ambiance occur with my latest Private Pain: Amidst These Ashes, however but that is for another day.

I know there are various readers that have their favorite poems in the collection. Let's find out yours. Name your favorite poems in Reflections of Soul based on the following:

(a) Style--Definitely "HUMAN". The way I used the emphasis on the letters and the whole breakdown of each scenario. I'm particularly proud of that one.

(b) Rhythm--"Loss of Fear". It reads a lot like a short story but in poetry form. Loads of fun with that one.

(c) Overall Presentation--"Butterfly". It just turned out wonderfully, and it's the one I've been getting the most feedback from.

(d) Message--"Breakthrough". There's nothing more rewarding that getting in touch with your inner self.

In reference to the “Inspiration” behind “Reflections of Soul”, do you have any comments to make in that regard?

Queen: Only that I wish the "Inspiration" all the best.

Overall how do you feel about your decision to publish this work and have the feelings altered in the year it's been out?

Queen: Initially I felt some trepidation. I had placed a lot of emphasis on getting Eclectic out. The feedback from Reflections of Soul has been wonderful. Now I am glad that I got the work out and very thankful for the support.

Reflections of Soul is on sale in celebration of its 1 Year Anniversary the entire month of May!

CreateSpace (paperback): Take $2.00 off your purchase. Use code YA64DN9T upon checkout.

Smashwords (please enter code QK82Q upon checkout)

Thanks Queen of Spades for stopping by and speaking on Reflections of Soul. The bed is all ready for you to nap in.

Queen: Appreciate your letting me stop by and spend the night.

Until next time,



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