Let's Talk Thursday: Episode 8

Hello Awesome Visitors!

Let's talk for a minute.

Disclaimer:  Before we go on, I want to let you know on these topics, I'm no expert. I am just speaking on my own experiences or those by others.

Not too long ago, I stopped by All Authors Blog to give them an exclusive.  It was the first time I ever discussed "Convoluted Prism" in reference to the blurb and the concept.

If one were to divide "Convoluted Prism" as far as genre, it would most closely fit three categories:

  • It is part autobiographical because a lot of the things discussed are events that did happen to me.  
  • It is part fiction because I designed a story line around the real experiences.  Although the majority of the characters are based on real people, you will find just as many characters that function to serve the fictional story line aspect only.
  • It is part poetry because I do sprinkle a bit of it here and there in the narrative.

I got about 80% of the way in and then something started to happen.  I started to get all of these ideas for short stories.  I battled with myself as to whether to go ahead and write them.  You see, I had given myself this deadline to finish Convoluted Prism yet I saw these short story ideas as deterrents.

I did cave in and write "Handy" which I've gotten a lot of positive responses from.  I thought if I could just get one out, then I could get back to the business of "Prism".  Yet I couldn't and started to panic.

I had a long talk with my publisher, and they told me to take my time with the first novel because it is supposed to be my masterpiece.  They said it's better for me to go ahead and write the short stories because it will give others a chance to really know my work.  Plus, there's a strong possibility that if I try to recall the ideas, then it would backfire.

The talk and support really helped.  Everyone may be waiting for "Convoluted Prism" a bit longer.  However you will have some cool short stories to read in the meantime.  Just know that when you finally read my first novel it will be worth the wait.

Until next time,


Feel free to share:  Have you ever felt immense pressure to meet the deadline for releasing your novel? Was the main pressure put on you or your publisher (if applicable)?  What advice were you given, or what did you decide to do if you experienced stumbling blocks that could hamper your deadline?


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