Sunday Speak on Characters

Hello everyone, and Happy Sunday!

For my Sunday Speak, I'd like to talk about Characters.

As you become more familiar with my works, it won't take long to discover my characters aren't always "cookie cutter."  I'm not saying I don't believe in a person's ability to do the right thing consistently.  However, at times, one doesn't know what he will do until the situation is present.

Simmer Sweet (a short story)
Available FREE on Smashwords

Sometimes pursuing one's wants and needs is at risk of jeopardy to another's livelihood.  For Kesha, one of the major characters in "Simmer Sweet", she is aware that Teresa is engaged to a man.  Yet she had to come clean with her feelings no matter what the cost.  Would you have done the same thing?  Would you have remained silent?  

Delectable Things (a novelette)
FREE for a limited time on Smashwords!

We can also put ourselves in predicaments where personal and professional decorum is blurred.  Let's explore "Sabrina" in "Delectable Things."  The adult choices she makes throws her in the line of fire, yet it takes two to tango.  How many instances have taken place where the woman takes more heat for this type of behavior than the other party?  Doesn't it really all boil down to double standard?

If the characters I present in "Simmer Sweet", "Delectable Things", and even my upcoming novel "Convoluted Prism" spur different variances in emotions then I've succeeded.

Until next time.



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