Sweet Dream
The rays of the sun poke against my eyelids… Leave me be; I’m not ready to awaken! You see, I am having this most incredible dream! I encountered approximately 6’5” of butter pecan: Eyes, chestnut dark, yet gentle. Lips, full to the brim but soft, Promising himself to me: For us to be Together Forever. Isn’t that the name of a song Or in some song lyric? Saying he’d be bound to me, Not just when things are right, But whenever there are plights. Have I heard it all before? Holding my breath, wondering when he will go out that door Him saying, I won’t leave unless you tell me… Voice turning my iron clad resolve Into a bowl of grape jelly; Lips running a train all over my skin, Generating slow heat beneath my skin, Crooning is this good to you baby Do you like this Or how about this? Thrilled yet pissed That my body’s sensual combination lock Got Hacked by this brand new virus And my senses are spinning And I do...